When I was in High School causing all kinds of trouble, someone was so very kind as to give me presents for 12 days. They were wonderful gifts and to this day I have no idea who it was. This time of the year the holiday music comes rolling out. If you could shake things up and get your own 12 days of Christmas gifts, what would they be?

I don’t know many people who want a partridge in a pear tree anymore. To say nothing of throwing a couple of doves, three hens, and four calling birds keeping you up at night.
If you could shake things up and get on the first day of Christmas, would it be one roomy parking spot in Manhattan, two 1963 Ferrari GTO’s, three Diamond Bracelets, Four Yachts for me, and I think we will stay with five Golden Rings….

What are some things that you would like for your 12 Days of Christmas?